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Palesa Karabelo Mokoena

“An African child with dreams bigger than the world.”

Professional Summary

I am in the quest of feeding my curious mind with knowledge, to achieve great successes through service and brilliance. I am a dedicated and resilient young black woman who is a leader at heart. I gently lead with the aim to deliver what showcases creativity, thinking outside the box and the power of great minds working in synchronization. I can work well under pressure and quickly adapt to the changing world. Through my capability to plan in detail and strategize, any given task can be made simpler.


• Part of top 10 achievers throughout high school.
• The Kgalema Motlanthe Foundation AI competition 2019 creative winners.
• The Sentinel Primary School public speaking winner 2015.
• Kutlwanong Maths, Science and Technology; and Promaths Alumni.
• National Senior Certification achieved with distinctions.

Key Competencies & Skills

• Creativity.
• Leadership.
• Planner.
• Strategizer.
• Visionary.
• Flexibility.
• Persuasive.

Career Overview

April 2018-December 2020 :City of Johannesburg School Emergency Response Team.

March 2019-September 2019 :South African National Blood Service Peer Promoter.

30 October-01 November 2021 :ANC Party Agent,2021 Municipal Elections.

January 2022-Present :Value ed Ambassador.

Education & Qualifications

• The Beacon Secondary School.
January 2016-November 2017

• Meadowlands Secondary School.
January 2018-December 2020

• University of Pretoria.
March 2021-December 2021
BSc Biological Science student

• University of Pretoria.
February 2022-Present
BSc Microbiology

Work Experience

City of Johannesburg School Emergency Response Team.
April 2018-December 2020
The City of Johannesburg School Emergency Response Team is founded to equip high school learners with the basic first aid training to help other learners in case of health-related emergences. I was handpicked by my school teachers due to my ability to work well in teams and under pressure; and due to my delight in helping people.

South African National Blood Service Peer Promoter.
March 2019- September 2019
I was selected and tasked to promote blood donating to my fellow high school learners. To also make follow-ups on previous blood donors if they are still eligible to donate blood; and to ensure that no underage blood donation takes place. I ensured that all blood donors were fit before blood donating, by preparing and giving meals.

Value ed Ambassador
January 2022-Present
Portfolio Overview:
To be a representative of all Value ed courses, sessions, and events. Come up with ideas that will attract new determined young people to Value ed and consequently benefit from it. To give feedback to the founder and the Value ed team.


Value ed founder Vikela Rankin
ANC party member Ntombenhle Skweyiya
Centre Manager ( Promaths Kutlwanong ) Mr Nkomo
Principal (Meadowlands Secondary School) Ms Ntsienyane
Principal (The Sentinel Primary School) Mr Moloi

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