For Enterprises And Organisations Businesses and Non Profits
New Recruits Graduates and Interns Program
New recruits in the work place require support to onboard in any organisation.They also need constant monitoring and mentoring. At Value ed we offer a program that enables us to support you in this. Our program will support your new recruits with sessions such as:
Work Readiness
Business Coaching
Self Mastery
Mental Health and Wellness (to name a few)

We are Live on Zoom For All Our Sessions
Our sessions are hosted by Industry experts such as Counselling Psychologists, Diversity Experts and Leadership Gurus
We track, monitor and evaluate each recruit and are able to converse with them in such a manner as to aid their development personally and professionally.
All Our Programs Are R350PM|PP
For Enterprises Organisations Businesses and Non Profits
Recruitment Support
Are you still recruiting instead of scouting?
A couple of interviews and an assessment are not enough to ensure you get the right candidate.
Sport has been using Academy's for decades to scout for, train and development the kind of employees/players they require.
At Value ed we can assist in scouting for, fit for purpose employees. We will not just expose them to functional knowledge of your organisation, we will also expose the individuals to personal and leadership development.

Our Academy, dedicated to your organisation, will scout for, then sift possible candidates, ensuring they meet more tangible criteria such as:
The ability to engage and participate
They have virtual skills to communicate and present themselves
Their values and work ethic align with your organisation
They are able to deliver in your organisation
They have self mastery planning and strategic skills
They are on a path to self develop consistently
Our Academy Scouting Fees Are R350PM|PP
We Can Build Academy Of 20-100+ people
There Are No Placement Fees For Recruitment
For Enterprises And Organisations Businesses and Non Profits
Retrenchment Support

Is your organisation retrenching or about to retrench employees? Our Value ed sessions can ease this process and support the employees and organisation during this transition.
Our Value ed sessions support the employee in:
Navigating a new job search (Host -Transition Specialist)
Mental Health and Wellness (Host - Counselling Psychologist)
Self Mastery (Host - Leadership Guru)
Work Readiness ( Host - Career Development Practitioner
Business Coaching (Host - Business and Executive Coach)
Attend All These Sessions For 3 Months (Recommend) For Only R350PM|PP
Transitioning an employee with as much care and support is the desire of every organisation that laying off an employee or employees. Contact us to help you
For Enterprises And Organisations Businesses and Non Profits
White Labelling Capability
Would you like to offer our solutions and make it look like you are offering it. Well we can do that with our white labelling offering.
We will:​
Build a micro site
Brand it to your organisation
Create a capability to register on it
Licence Our White labelling For R5 000PM
Our Patrons support and fund our Value edians by contributing R350 per month so they can attend our Courses and be skilled and inspired. We thank them immensely